Dove and Dragon-Church Multiplication
Dove & Dragon is a historically based drama, about 30 minutes.
It begins in England in the 1700’s, during the birth of the
Evangelical Movement, and then moves to today’s America.
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Participants need no props or costumes. |
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They may simply read their lines, as the aim is not to perform, |
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Observe how to take Jesus to people who prefer not, |
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It requires no rehearsal, although some practice can make it to smoother. |
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You need no audience. Everyone present has a part: |
  Prompter     Shout a brief line and Echoes repeat it.
  Echoes        Children and all adults who want to take part. Echoes need no script.
                                   PART I. 18th Century England
Rowdy |
(Run among the people, shouting) |
Prompter & Echoes |
Come back, Betsy! |
Suzy |
Your stupid horse is eating lettuce on that peasant’s cart. |
Wilbur |
Harpenden, you say? Marvelous! |
Suzy |
(Face Wilbur) Well now, such grand priestly attire! |
Wilbur |
My good lady, we will share it. I am the Reverend Wilbur. |
Alf |
Sir, you may call me Alf. This lady is my wife, Suzy. |
Wilbur |
The livery stables! I dare say! |
Alf |
God chose it for us, sir. |
Wilbur |
Indeed. Well, I prefer quality to quantity, my son. |
Rowdy |
Old Betsy be ready, folks. My name is Rowdy. |
Prompter & Echoes |
Clip clop! |
Wilbur |
Ah! This is the grandest day of my life, pastor Alf! |
Suzy |
Oh, my! |
Prompter & Echoes |
Clip clop! |
Alf |
Me, too. The Rev. Wilbur is already snoring! |
Prompter & Echoes |
Clip clop! |
Suzy |
Oh! This nauseating stench woke me! |
Wilbur |
Get moving, Rowdy! Your lazy mare is trudging too slowly. |
Rowdy |
Can’t, sir. Too rocky. |
Wilbur |
You will, cabby. I dare not miss the installation rites. |
Rowdy |
Won’t. Too rocky. |
Wilbur |
Lash that horse, I say, or I’ll squeeze your skinny throat. |
Prompter & Echoes |
Crack! Crack! |
Wilbur |
Not that fast! Slow down! |
Suzy |
Oh, my! We’re bouncing like a kangaroo, we are! |
Prompter & Echoes |
Thud! |
Wilbur |
Now what, Rowdy? |
Rowdy |
(Groan) |
Wilbur |
Insolent lip! Now, stop predicting where I’ll spend eternity, |
Rowdy |
No sir. |
Suzy |
Eee! A scruffy rat scurried into that pile of broken cartwheels. |
Rowdy |
Duck down, gentlemen, or you’ll bump yer heads |
Prompter & Echoes |
Hey! Watch out! |
Wilbur |
I say, who was that little guy? |
Alf |
He’s wearing an Anglican priest’s garb |
Suzy |
He jumped on his horse and galloped off like a whirlwind. |
Rowdy |
Blimey! Sure and it was the Rev. John Wesley! |
Bruiser |
Welcome to my shop, gentlemen! |
Prompter & Echoes |
Amen! |
Bruiser |
Brother Rowdy, wipe the soot off them nail kegs, |
Wilbur |
I say! How shocking that Rev. Wesley would ministers here |
Prompter & Echoes |
Wicked and worldly! |
Margie |
Brother Wesley loves to serve us poor degraded sinners, sir. |
Bruiser |
Aye! Listen to what Wesley done fer me |
Prompter & Echoes |
Oh no! |
Bruiser |
He tried to stop me from |
Prompter & Echoes |
Cruel! |
Bruiser |
He wiped off the blood, and blessed me in Jesus’ name, |
Prompter & Echoes |
So gracious! |
Bruiser |
Then he invited me to come talk with him, |
Margie |
Wesley loves us poor folk he does, |
Wilbur |
Well now, I know who and what you are, you pudgy wench! |
Prompter & Echoes |
Oh, my! |
Bruiser |
Margie is my wife now, sir. You will mind your words. |
Wilbur |
This is wrong, my good man. |
Bruiser |
I hope so, sir! Get any falsity out in the open, |
Wilbur |
Your way of worship would displease the head of our church, |
Prompter & Echoes |
Long live the king! |
Bruiser |
This week we will go in pairs to take Jesus to our friends. |
Rowdy |
I can’t go around in public in my tattered shoes |
Bruiser |
You’ll go to folk whose clothes are just as tattered, Rowdy |
Prompter & Echoes |
Be honest before God! |
Bruiser |
Now, that’s done. See this bread? |
Wilbur |
Stop! Stop I say! |
Bruiser |
Brother Wesley blessed this bread beforehand, sir, |
Margie |
Brother Wesley told us to receive Communion |
Prompter & Echoes |
How terrible! |
Margie |
Bruiser begged him to come serve us Communion here, |
Bruiser |
I told the bloke I didn’t see nothing of Christ’s image in him. |
Prompter & Echoes |
Cruel! |
Bruiser |
Poor Margie, she cried ‘er heart out all the way ‘ome, she did. |
Wilbur |
I disapprove of what that priest said. |
Rowdy |
Jesus commands it. Whom do we obey, you or Jesus? |
Prompter & Echoes |
Obey God above all. |
Wilbur |
Mr. Blacksmith, today I’ll be made Bishop over Saint Albans, |
Bruiser |
It is a church, sir. |
Wilbur |
You will obey me, my son, |
Prompter & Echoes |
Well, kiss his ring! |
Suzy |
Look, Alf! The blacksmith is facing the priest, eye to eye. |
Rowdy |
Them two men be locked in a battle they is, |
Suzy |
Everyone is so silent! My goodness! |
Alf |
(Groan) Two voices in my soul are tearing me in two, Suzy. |
Suzy |
Look! Bruiser won the stare-down! |
Bruiser |
Now that our worship is over, gentlemen, |
Wilbur |
Ah! Fresh air! Listen, Elder Alf. This is all wrong. |
Suzy |
But you know they do not, sir. |
Prompter & Echoes |
Ding dong! |
Wilbur |
I say! The church bell! I still have time! |
Rowdy |
I told ya you would, reverend. |
Wilbur |
Elder Alf, that toothless old hag warbled off key, trying to sing! |
Alf |
Whoa, brother! You came close to blaspheming the Holy Spirit! |
Wilbur |
So you say. |
Suzy |
But he promised to return the mule, and they restored him. |
Wilbur |
Here comes that ruffian with the horse; it’s ready to go. |
Bruiser |
No Reverend Wilbur. It be Jesus who moves them. |
Wilbur |
Some do, and they give me ulcers, |
Alf |
Goodbye, brother Bruiser. |
Suzy |
Oh, Alf, I’ve been praying! |
Alf |
That hiss is louder now; it says my church needs no change. |
Suzy |
Don’t listen to it! It’s the Old Dragon, the devil. |
Alf |
The gentle voice says to serve Jesus and stop craving power. |
Prompter & Echoes |
Such tension! |
Alf |
Rev. Wilbur, what should I do? I cannot bear the strain! |
Wilbur |
Now you’ve come to your senses, my lad! |
Alf |
Suzy, that dove’s voice warns me to decide. |
Prompter & Echoes |
Five. Four. Three. Two… |
Alf |
I surrender! My congregation will send out harvesters. |
Suzy |
Yes! Some of us will love to be freed |
Alf |
Rev. Wilbur, I see now what I was searching for! |
Wilbur |
You have a fever, brother Alf. You are raving! |
Suzy |
Alfie, our Lord won a huge victory today! |
Prompter & Echoes |
Hallelujah! |
                                        PART II. Today’s America
Now, we have crossed the Atlantic Ocean, |
Prompter & Echoes |
The scene has changed! |
Suzy |
Here we are, in the 21st century with these church elders! |
Prompter & Echoes |
In today’s America! |
Margie |
Thank you, elders, |
Suzy |
Margie and I saw how to do it in a story about |
Margie |
Thank you for letting us explain our plans. I’m so glad! |
Suzy |
Not me, Margie; I’m scared! |
Prompter & Echoes |
Poor Suzy! |
Alf |
We elders will not bite, Suzy. |
Margie |
Most of the younger generation won’t come |
Suzy |
Such little flocks are multiplying all over the world today. |
Prompter & Echoes |
Millions! |
Suzy |
We need you elders to stand with us, Elder Alf, |
Alf |
Yes. Satan counterattacks after the Holy Spirit drives him |
Margie |
Suzy and I are ready, but are you elders ready? |
Alf |
What do you want us elders to do? |
Margie |
Send us like the Antioch church sent Paul and Barnabas, |
Suzy |
Prayer is the most effective Dragon Repellant. |
Margie |
Our biggest challenge is to leave behind |
Alf |
Will you need financial support, Margie? |
Margie |
No. We will pay for our own gasoline, Elder Alf, |
Prompter & Echoes |
Oh, no! Never! |
Alf |
Lost Pearl! That place is wicked! |
Suzy |
So, we will touch the leper, just as Jesus did. |
Prompter & Echoes |
And as John Wesley did! |
Alf |
Gentlemen, stop grumbling! Poor Suzy’s wiping a tear. |
Suzy |
I’m more afraid of you elders than I am of Lost Pearl! |
Alf |
Suzy, can you and Margie deal with all the details of running a church? |
Suzy |
No, but we won’t run the churches, will we Margie? |
Margie |
Right. We’ll only start them, Elder Alf, |
Suzy |
We trust the Holy Spirit to give us the power |
Alf |
Do you plan to baptize and serve the Lord’s Supper, Margie? |
Margie |
We asked our pastor about that. |
Alf |
Gutsy! |
Margie |
Obeying God above man is a price we pay |
Suzy |
Jesus said, “If you love me, obey my commands.†|
Prompter & Echoes |
Love and obey Jesus! |
Alf |
Wow! Elders, our denomination is declining; |
Prompter & Echoes |
Amen! |
Alf |
Praise God! I have an announcement. |
Suzy |
(Clap) Awesome! |
Alf |
The congregation will commission its harvesters |
Prompter & Echoes |
See what God does next! |
Suzy |
At last, Margie! |
Margie |
Sir, we are prayer walking. |
Bruiser |
Not interested. Have a good day, girls. |
Prompter & Echoes |
The brute! |
Suzy |
Well, Margie, that was not a very promising start! |
Margie |
Ah! This street looks healthier. |
Suzy |
Yeah. That cute little blonde kid is coming toward us; |
Margie |
Look at him! |
Suzy |
He’s cute. He’s just standing there soaking in our smiles. |
Rowdy |
My name’s Rowdy. |
Prompter & Echoes |
It can be deadly! |
Margie |
We promise not to tell, Rowdy. |
Rowdy |
I gonna kill my mom’s boyfriend next time he kicks her. |
Margie |
Lift up a pant leg, Rowdy. Please. |
Suzy |
Oh, no! Have you told anyone about this? |
Rowdy |
He will kill me and my mom if I do. |
Suzy |
Rowdy, go bring your teacher. We must tell her about this. |
Rowdy |
You lied to me! |
Prompter & Echoes |
You broke your promise! |
Suzy |
Oh! Don’t run off! Stop crying and come back, Rowdy. |
Margie |
Do you have a relative that you could stay with? |
Rowdy |
Uncle Bruiser said they’d keep me |
Margie |
Good! Let’s go see your uncle Bruiser right now. |
Suzy |
Please God, help the boy. |
Prompter & Echoes |
Help Rowdy! |
Suzy |
Look! Uncle Bruiser is the same brute that we saw |
Margie |
Well, Rowdy, show your uncle those bruises |
Bruiser |
Appalling! Who did this to you, Rowdy? |
Rowdy |
My mom’s boyfriend. I hate him. |
Bruiser |
I apologize for rebuffing you girls back at the gym. |
Prompter & Echoes |
Time passes and God works. |
Bruiser |
Rowdy, I have good news: my wife and I will adopt you. |
Prompter & Echoes |
Wonderful! |
Suzy |
Bruiser, would you like to give a party to celebrate? |
Bruiser |
Yes! We’ll invite our friends |
Suzy |
Awesome! |
Margie |
Oh, look! Here comes Elder Alf and his wife. |
Bruiser |
Welcome, folks! |
Suzy |
How have you guys gotten along, Elder Alf? |
Alf |
We started out with a bump. |
Suzy |
Margie and I talked with a few sour people, |
Prompter & Echoes |
Just like Jesus and Paul! |
Alf |
We met Wilbur mowing his lawn; |
Prompter & Echoes |
Squawk! Squawk! |
Alf |
Wilbur invited us to come back tomorrow, |
Prompter & Echoes |
Tomorrow brings a blessing! |
Alf |
Wilbur, I’ve certainly enjoyed talking and praying with you. |
Wilbur |
I needed your prayers, Alf. |
Alf |
I’ll help you recover, Wilbur. I will meet with you daily, |
Wilbur |
I do, now that I’ve found Jesus. |
Alf |
All right. Let’s start right now. |
Wilbur |
Oh! Okay. I will. Here it goes, down the drain! |
Prompter & Echoes |
Gurgle, gurgle! |
Wilbur |
Oh, what a relief! |
Suzy |
Awesome! (Clap) |
Wilbur |
Several religious scalpers have been here to see us; |
Prompter & Echoes |
Hear what God does next! |
Alf |
It’s a joy to give you elders our report. |
Suzy |
A new believer’s faith is contagious! |
Alf |
It’s because an obedient church body, |
Prompter & Echoes |
Jesus’ parables say this! |
Alf |
1Â Corinthians 14 says if we dialogue together as a loving body, |
Suzy |
We saw it happen! |
Margie |
During Wilbur’s party, we lost control: |
Suzy |
I wept for joy! |
Margie |
Others wept, too, and shared needs for which we prayed. |
Alf |
There’ll soon be more. |
Suzy |
The Old Dragon has counterattacked, Elder Alf. |
Margie |
The old devil can no longer |
Suzy |
So now we have granddaughter |
Prompter & Echoes |
Praise God from whom all blessings flow! |