Paul Frees a Slave Girl from a Demon, Inciting a Violent Mob
About 5 minutes, from Acts 16: 16-34
Participants (No need to memorize lines; the aim is to relive sacred events, not to perform)
  Prompter        Shout a brief line and Echoes repeat it.
  Echoes           Children and all adults who want to take part. Echoes need no script.
Silas |
Paul, that crazy slave girl has been following us |
Sophie |
 (Shout) |
Prompter & Echoes |
She’s mocking! |
Paul |
She has an evil spirit, Silas. I will drive it off. |
Sophie |
You won’t dare mess with me! Here comes one of my owners. |
Slave-owner |
Paul, you will not drive out that spirit of divination! |
Paul |
In the name of Jesus, leave her, you filthy demon!†|
Prompter & Echoes |
Come out of her! |
Silas |
The spirit has left her, Paul. Her face has brightened! |
Sophie |
Oh, thank you, thank you! I am in my right mind. |
Slave-owner |
What have you done to our servant girl? |
Paul |
They grab Silas and me, and drag us before the authorities. |
Slave-owner |
Esteemed magistrates, |
Sophie |
I’m so sorry! Because of me this furious mob has formed. |
Prompter & Echoes |
Cruel! |
Jailer |
Gentlemen, enjoy the plush accommodations of my fine jail! |
Silas |
How considerate! |
Jailer |
Sit still while I lock your feet in these stocks. |
Prompter & Echoes |
Painful! |
Silas |
About midnight, Paul and I are praying and singing hymns. |
Jailer |
What is that rumbling? |
Prompter & Echoes |
Earthquake! |
Jailer |
The prison’s foundations are shaking! Help! |
Paul |
Wait! Do not harm yourself. We are here! |
Jailer |
I call for lights and rush in, trembling so that I can barely speak. |
Paul |
Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you’ll be saved, you and your family. |
Prompter & Echoes |
Your entire household! |
Silas |
The jailer takes us that night to his home and washes our wounds. |
Jailer |
Here is food, my brothers. Eat and rejoice with us. |
Silas |
Day comes, and officers arrive from the magistrates |
Paul |
Oh, fine! Your magistrates beat us in public without a trial, |
Jailer |
The officers report Paul’s words to the chief magistrates. |
Sophie |
Look! The magistrates themselves brought Paul and Silas out of jail. |
Jailer |
Neither our authorities nor Satan will stop Christ’s servants. |
Prompter & Echoes |
Salvation for all who believe! |