Old Dragon Defiles the First Family, from Angels’ Viewpoint
About 8 minutes, from Gen. 2 – 3
Participants (No need to memorize lines; the aim is to relive sacred events,
not to perform)
  Voice (of God)
  Prompter           Shout a brief line, and Echoes repeat it.
  Echoes             Children and all adults who want to take part. Echoes need no script.
Angel |
Come, travel back in time with me to the Garden of Eden. |
Prompter & Echoes |
In paradise! |
Angel |
The fruit of garden’s precious tree of life is free, |
Voice |
From any tree of the garden you may eat freely; |
Satan |
Well, now! How interesting! |
Angel |
Oh, now what is this? |
Prompter & Echoes |
He has a big mouth! |
Angel |
The old fiend is also “perfect in beauty†while he is in Eden, |
Eve |
Oh, look! This splendid creature is gorgeous! |
Prompter & Echoes |
Watch out! |
Satan |
Gorgeous young lady, has God said, |
Eve |
From any tree we may eat, |
Satan |
You surely will not die! God knows that its fruit will open your eyes. You will be wise like God, knowing good and evil. |
Eve |
The fruit is pleasing to the eye. |
Satan |
Yes! Yes! Wise! Very wise! |
Eve |
Well, I will just try one. |
Angel |
We angels cannot believe it! Eve disobeys our most holy God! |
Prompter & Echoes |
She defies the Almighty! |
Eve |
Mmm! Adam! Taste it! It will make you smart! |
Angel |
Look! Adam is glancing around furtively; |
Adam |
Oh! What has happened? I am naked! |
Prompter & Echoes |
Shame! |
Satan |
Success! I led the parents of all humans to disobey God; |
Adam |
Eve, quickly! |
Voice |
Adam! Adam! Where are you? |
Adam |
We were naked, so we hid. |
Voice |
Who told you that you were naked? |
Adam |
The woman that you gave me, she gave me the fruit to eat. |
Voice |
Eve, what is this you have done? |
Eve |
The serpent deceived me, and I ate. |
Voice |
Serpent, you are cursed; |
Angel |
So a woman’s child will destroy Satan, |
Voice |
Adam, from dust I made you, and to dust you shall return. |
Adam |
Eve, God has made clothes of animal skins for us, |
Angel |
God stations me with a flaming sword |
Prompter & Echoes |
Paradise lost! |
Angel |
Hear Satan boast. |
Satan |
I now have ruined all mankind. You think that you can outsmart me? You know what’s good; you know what’s bad. Now Eden’s curse is yours to dread. You fools; I trip you up with ease! A billion demons help me, too. By Adam's fall, I ruined your race; Your knowledge gives no hope; death reigns! |
Angel |
Boast while you can, Satan. |
Prompter & Echoes |
Christ has freed us! |
Angel |
Many centuries later, |